Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo On!

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo! Who's with me?

I feel like we should be breaking out into Pirates of the Caribbean references. I don't know. That just makes me think of Jack Sparrow saying "Drinks all around." (And, I've a feeling, by the end of NaNoWriMo, we'll all be having drinks all around for one reason or another.)

Barring any other useful POTC reference I'm inserting this video which highly amused me. Because, quite frankly, we could all do with a laugh. Hope it amuses you.

Hey, if you're doing NaNo too, or if you just feel like stalking me, NaNo buddy me: Dominique_En_Violet.
(And we can all take this moment to be in awe of the awesome creativity demonstrated by my handle. Mad skills.) If you're doing NaNo be sure to leave me your name in the comments so I can follow you. :-)

Whatever, McKinley can do her dance of joy that she's finally escaping my head and appearing on paper. It's about time, I guess, since she's been queuing for about a year.Anyway, I'm already 100 words into my new WIP. That makes me feel so productive. A whole .2% of the way done. Woohoo. That probably means I should sleep more, but it's NaNo, so that's not going to happen. (Note how I pretend the inside of my mind is a neat and orderly system when, let's face it, we all know it isn't. Joy.)

How are you all doing? Psyched for NaNoWriMo/NaNoRevisMo/NaNoReadMo/NaNoBreatheMo or whatever it is you're doing? I hope so. How's the writing going?


  1. My NaNoWriMo login is MelissaWideen

    Thanks for the laugh! I needed it what with NaNo bearing down on me.

  2. I love Pirates and would definitely share a round with Captain Sparrow and his cronies. Best of luck on NanNo. As Rob Schneider says in every Adam Sandler movie, "You can do it!"

  3. Let's do it! I'm a bit behind already, but I hope to pick up the pace once I'm feeling better. My username's StormyWolf

  4. Melissa -- I'll look for you on NaNo. I'm glad the video amused.

    Carolyn -- Thanks.

    roxy -- I'd do a round with Captain Jack too. He's a rockstar.

    Vicki -- I'll look for you on Nano. Good luck!
